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云南和贵州产生的水电直接传输到广东省和香港,通过已建成的超高压输电线路。Hydroelectricity generated in Yunnan and Guizhou are directly transmitted to power up Guangdong Province and Hong Kong via an ultra-high voltage power transmission line。
广西(比巴西)稍微好一些,但是广西的航运成本比中国其他沿海省份更高。由于高昂的成本,投资和人才都不会来到这里,而且临近广东,广西还因此存在严重的人才流失问题。这是广西贫穷的终极原因。Guangxi is slightly better but shipping costs in Guangxi are more expensive compared to other coastal provinces in China。 Due to the high costs, investments and talents would not come and it suffers the severe brain drain from the nearby Canton。This is the ultimate reason why Guangxi is poor。
Janus Dongye还给出了实例加以证明:腾讯七星数据中心就扎根于贵州的深山中,这里存储着所有微信和腾讯视频用户的数据。Deep in the caves of Guizhou, lies the Tencent T-Block data centre。 This is the place where the data of all Chinese WeChat and Tencent Video (Chinese Netflix) users is stored。
因此,在美国,它需要10倍的钱来做同样的事情!但是在计算GDP的时候,这些成本都是算在内的。26.13美元得出来的GDP当然比2.2美元得出来的高。Therefore in the US, it requires 10x more money to do the same thing! And note that they are both counted in the GDP calculation in both countries。 Is it fair? Of course not。